Let the rain come down!!!
My favorite type of watering is the kind where I don’t have to do a thing.
Just let Mother Nature open the skies.
My favorite type of watering is the kind where I don’t have to do a thing.
Just let Mother Nature open the skies.
In North Texas, Dallas in particular, we have had a wonderful spring. The rains have been steady & slow which is the way our blackland soil likes it. In order for our soil to take in the water, it has to percolate slowly. When you have mulch & other permeable surfaces in your landscape, that rain will stay on your property & not run off in to the streets where nothing really grows.
Another way to keep this water on your property is to store it. Rain barrels are easy to make & your plants love this water much more than what comes from the tap. Here’s a link to how to make your own rain barrel.
Click here.
On our property, we have eight containers. On the side of my house where no one can really see, I have kept these barrels blue. In the places on view, I have spray painted them so they are more decorative. The plants don’t really care what color they are; they just want what’s inside!
The water is mainly used for our vegetable garden & for new plants in the landscape. The rest of the yard relies on Mother Nature for watering. She’s been doing a great job this year!
Happy Gardening!
Another way to keep this water on your property is to store it. Rain barrels are easy to make & your plants love this water much more than what comes from the tap. Here’s a link to how to make your own rain barrel.
Click here.
On our property, we have eight containers. On the side of my house where no one can really see, I have kept these barrels blue. In the places on view, I have spray painted them so they are more decorative. The plants don’t really care what color they are; they just want what’s inside!
The water is mainly used for our vegetable garden & for new plants in the landscape. The rest of the yard relies on Mother Nature for watering. She’s been doing a great job this year!
Happy Gardening!